Children have a penchant for hardwood bunk beds. The storied design of the beds make it a perfect adventure pad for children and make bedtime fun for any sleeper. Most children get over the moon at the prospect of having a bunk bed in their favorite colors or designs. The climbing of ladders, being up high or bunking down below bring a sense of adventure to the bedtime routine. This fun quality helps in reducing the fuss of putting them to bed for they will be eager to sleep in their beds during bedtime.
Children love to have a private space in their bedrooms. A bunk bed can be the perfect private retreat for them. They can also personalize them according to their tastes by adding colorful pillows or floating shadow boxes for storage purposes.
While buying a bunk bed, parents should consider durability and practicality. Though bunk beds are available in both metal and wood options, a custom made bunk beds made from a sturdy wood such as poplar will be a bed that lasts a lifetime!. You can design it according to the choice of your children and the dimensions of your room. They are sturdy and durable and can withstand 440 lbs per square foot, making them an option for adults as well as children. Hardwood bunk beds are available in a gamut of bunk options and designs. So bring a bunk bed to your children’s room and say goodbye to space woes.
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